Friday, September 23, 2011

Our Military Kids - Families' Stories

Chase’s Story

During my deployment to Kuwait, Our Military Kids awarded my son, Chase, a grant to participate in the 48th Annual Stephen Foster Music Camp. My son looks forward to this music camp each year – talking about it from January until June. The camp allows him to be exposed to other kids who share a similar love of classical music. For two weeks, they come together on the campus of Eastern Kentucky University with music professors and grad students who help to challenge, mold, and invigorate them. Hundreds of hours of hard work are put in by all and their concerts are magnificent.
My deployment has put a damper on our finances and I am unable to work extra shifts at a second job. I was not sure if we would be able to afford to send Chase this year. Our Military Kids allowed just that. Thank you for helping Chase while I am serving our country.